Connecting with your audience at the top of the funnel
Overwhelming volume of content produced, audience starting to suffer from overload
Highly targeted, 1:1 personalised content to drive better engagement
Typically marketing owned and orchestrated outbound activity at scale
Generic content, segmented by sector, role or persona
Marketing generated, little to no input from sales
Little differentiation using standard, well-worn content formats (mainly pdf’s)
Interactive multimedia formats to better capture shrinking attention spans
Typically delivered via email or marketing automation platforms
Broad lead scoring but little useable insight for sales team follow-up
Well attended but costly in-person events
Lacking well-structured follow-up with limited ROI traceability
New technologies have democratised ABM
Now in the hands of sales teams (with marketing retaining a key supporting role)
New technology for content delivery
Much more granular analytics, providing useable insights for sales teams to inform follow-up
Wholesale shift to interactive webinars and online events
Much more traceability and opportunity for smarter follow-up
Created an ABM process for the business development team, including a new technology solution and the creation of a bespoke white paper to build credibility and drive the ABM engagement forward.
Supported the setup, implementation and ongoing delivery of an ABM programme to enable the customer to successfully pivot from in-person events to on-line webinars.