The make or break moment
Typically delivered in-person, allowing time and flexibility for engagement
Remote delivery, lacking visual cues
Shorter timescales – the message needs to be delivered more quickly and concisely
Sales supported by SMEs to address specific audience needs
Cultural shift to allow SMEs to 'own' elements of the sales process
Presentations often little more than restatement of points made in the proposal
Information overload creates a disjointed presentation with no clear structure or message
Overly wordy or complex slides, often poor graphics which don’t reflect the brand
Little to no rehearsal, resulting in awkward pauses or confusing cross-talk
Little to help the audience differentiate between competing companies
Innovative delivery methods, but content more important – differentiate through quality of message, content and design, not tool/platform
Team delivery more important than ever
Sales plus SMEs (highlights lack of presentation skills of some SMEs)
PowerPoint main weapon of choice, slides act as 'leave-behinds'
Remote delivery from multiple locations
Tool options limited for actual pitch (PowerPoint still main weapon of choice)
Reiterates importance of quality ‘follow up’ doc/tech (such as Folloze)
Tech also helps uncover ‘hidden’ stakeholders – increasing in number and influence
Numerous contract wins across twelve month period from supporting a number of bids, pitches and creation of new sales collateral for sales team to take to market in 2021.
4 month bespoke support for Swedish sales team to secure renewal of a must-win contract. Included interim document writing, coaching, proposal and presentation support including authoring the final proposal. Result was a doubling in the value of the contract and securing the largest deal the division has ever closed.